TikTok Consent Form
Your children and Young people have been invited to take over and run a 21 Together TikTok account! As part of our digital inclusion topic we are talking about being safe online, but also having fun online. So we want to give the young people a chance to be in charge!
They have been working on their ideas in groups, but because TikTok is a new form of media for us we wanted to make sure the parents/carers were fully aware of the risks. The young people have been discussing the risk in groups and will also be consenting separately. They have lots of ideas from make-up tutorials to dance routines. We may even ask some of you to do your own filming at home (there is no obligation to do though). Online safety is paramount and the risks are well documented. You have signed up for media use of images, but as TikTok is a fast-paced platform where things can take off quickly we want to get permission specifically for this platform.
We will of course try to administer the account effectively and quickly, however, it is inevitable that we won’t be able to keep on top of all the comments all of the time. Therefore we can take no responsibility for the comments of third parties. We will endeavour to do our best to manage the comments and if necessary we will remove comments. For more information follow this link: Guardian's Guide | TikTok