Come and join us for our next Empowerment Session.
These are designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to best support your children and young people. Aimed at those with children of school age and beyond we will have regular speakers to provide expert guidance on various areas of social care and support. Helping you access the support required from 21 Together staff, guest speakers and other parents/carers that may have been there before you!
At the start of this session, we will be joined by Tracy Woods, the Direct Payment Service Manager at We Are Beams who will be providing us on information about:
What a Direct Payment is
The support that the team can provide
Guidance about what the funding can usually be used for in Kent.
These sessions are NOT open to children as they are designed to give a quiet and relaxed space for parents and / or carers time for themselves. For support sessions aimed at parents with children at home please see our Play and Stay sessions. Please make sure to register for the session to join us - see you there!
TIME: 12:30pm onwards
Please be advised that Tracy Woods session will be recorded. We will not be sharing the recording on our website or social media and it will only be accessed via a secured link for a short period of time to those parents who would like the information but are unable to attend the session. If you have any issues with being recorded please let 21 Together staff know in advance.
VENUE: At home!!!