Wellbeing Session - Lino Printing
As parents and carers life is always busy - We rarely have time to focus on ourselves!
21 Together’s Wellbeing Sessions are specifically aimed at those parents / carers / family members who deserve a little time to recharge and regroup. Come and join us for an informal and friendly couple of hours to relax, share ideas and take some time out for yourself. A really open friendly group where you can talk all things DS or alternatively just have a good old chat about anything else.
As always, 21 Together staff will be on hand for advice and support, but now we are online the choice of drinks is up to you!
We are excited to invite you to a session on Lino Printing led by Lindy Penny. Lindy is one of our lovely members and having accessed the Wellbeing Sessions before wanted to give some of the enjoyment back to others. Here’s what she says about herself:
“Hi I’m Lindy and I try really hard to have a creative life! Prior to starting my family I was a woodwind teacher but always had a strong desire towards art. Quilting and printing seemed to go hand in hand for me as being able to print and use my own fabric is so exciting. I love lino printing because it is a great way to get a fairly instant creative fix which, when you’re a full time carer ( I home educated my three children including my daughter who has Down’s syndrome) is really great. I have a small online shop (Lindy Penny designs) and started doing craft fairs and also some teaching of sewing and lino workshops. I’m really excited to share lino printing with you and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.”
Lino Printing is a form of block printing that involves carving a pattern or design into a linoleum, rubber or vinyl surface that can then be printed from.
21 Together will supply the following for the session:
Lino cutter
lino sheets
cards with envelopes and gift tags
You will need to provide:
Scrap paper
Kitchen roll
These sessions are NOT open to children as they are designed to give a quiet and relaxed space for parents and / or carers time for themselves. For support sessions aimed at parents with children at home please see our Play and Stay sessions.
Date: Wednesday 31st March 2021
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Your own Home on Zoom